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Bodegas Tradicion - sherry strike back


Vinoshare proudly presents the unique sherry producer from Jerez, Spain - Bodegas Tradición. 

The bodega is a new winery located in Jerez, but it holds a great reputation and an impressive collection of wines that are the oldest than the company itself. The bodega was founded in 1998 by Mr. Joaquín Rivero, who decided to give continuity to the family tradition in the sherry industry. There is a double meaning of Tradición: continuance to the family wine business and a comeback of the traditional styles and artisan processes in the making of Jerez wines.

The wines receive no caramel, cooked-wine, fining, chill-filtration, cold stabilization, sulfites in the dry wines during maturation and bottling. The yearly production of bodegas will not more than 25,000 bottles, all sherries are rare and fine.

Sherry & the mystery of Palo Cortado

A short tailer of the documentary about the wonders of sherry, because what we taste in a glass of sherry is not just wine, it is also the place, Jerez, and the people who make it possible, a must for wine lovers.